Visits to Our School
We encourage prospective parents to visit our school. If you would like to come and look around and catch a glimpse of what we do each day please contact the school office to make an appointment. We also organise a number of open days and events throughout the year which we hope that you will be able to attend.
Admissions Information
The North Yorkshire Council is responsible for admissions to our school.
In general children, who will be five years old during the school academic year, will be admitted at the beginning of the Autumn term. We hold an evening meeting for parents of new children in the term prior to the children’s admittance to school. The Head Teacher, Early Years Foundation Stage teachers and Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator are able to offer essential information and answer any questions regarding starting school. Parents are able to see the classrooms and to get a taste of the sort of activities which the children will be participating in during their Reception year.
All Reception aged children will be offered a series of visits during the latter part of the summer term, prior to being admitted in September. These visits will help the children to familiarise themselves with the new faces, different routines and facilities they will encounter when they start school full time.
At other ages or times of year parents are invited to a meeting with the headteacher to discuss their child’s progress and needs prior to entry to school.
For school admissions information and access to an electronic application form, please use this link to visit the School Admissions page of the North Yorkshire Council website.
You can use North Yorkshire Council interactive maps to find out what catchment area you live in.