

We have an exciting year planned with lots of hands on experiences, problem solving, challenges and some wonderful visits. We welcome parental involvement in the life of our school. If you are able to visit the school or help in any way, please contact your child’s class teacher.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to phone us, make an appointment or see us before or after school.

Mrs. Holme and Mrs. Jones

Mrs. Weeks and Mrs. Crocker

Mrs Hugill, Miss Huxley and Mrs Souter

Our main themes for the year

Curriculum Newsletters 2024 – 2025

Click the links below to download a newsletter. You will need PDF Reader to view these documents, if you do not have it please download from here

Homework expectations can be seen here

Year group


At the beginning of each half term, the Knowledge Organiser for the Imaginative Learning Project (ILP) is sent home for all year groups. This is also available on the school website. Any of the optional homework tasks are extra tasks that can be completed if desired.

Year 3

·         10-15 minutes of reading (at least 5x per week)

·         Times Table Rock Stars online practice 10 – 20 minutes a week

·         CPG Reading Comprehension, Punctuation and Grammar, Maths booklets

·        Spelling Shed/ weekly spellings from the spelling list (10-15 mins a week)

·         Creative homework linked to ILP (optional)

Year 4

·         10-15 minutes of reading (at least 5x per week)

·        Times Table Rock Stars online practice 10 – 20 minutes a week

·         CPG Reading Comprehension, Punctuation and Grammar, Maths booklets

·        Spelling Shed/ weekly spellings from the spelling list (10-15 mins a week)

·         Creative homework linked to ILP (optional)