Punctuality and Attendance
We recognise the need for children to attend school regularly and punctually in order to gain maximum benefit from the learning opportunities offered. Regular attendance boosts academic achievement and enhances personal development. The doors open for the start of the day at 8.50am. Children should aim to be in the playground by 8.45am ready for a prompt start. The morning register will be marked by 9:15am. Pupils will receive a late mark if they are not in their classroom by this time.
Attendance and punctuality will be monitored throughout the year. The school’s attendance target is 96 percent.
Absence from school
If your child is unable to attend school, it is essential that we know promptly.
Please leave a message on the answerphone (01609 781178). Please let us know your child’s name, their class, the reason for absence and how long you expect them to be away from school.
Where a pupil is absent, and their parent has not contacted the school by the close of the morning register to report the absence, administrative staff will contact the parent by telephone call as soon as is practicable on the first day that they do not attend school.
Medical / Dental Appointments
Please make appointments out of school hours wherever possible, however, if your child needs to leave school to attend an appointment advise school as soon as possible by contacting the school office.
Holiday Requests
Holidays should not be taken through term time. Permission for holidays through term time will only be granted in exceptional circumstances. When permission is refused and children are taken out of school on holiday, then a fine may be issued. Each case will be reviewed individually. Permission will definitely not be given where children’s attendance is poor and where applications exceed 10 days in any school year. Application forms for exceptional circumstance leave can be made obtained from the school office.
A full copy of our Attendance Policy is available from the school office upon request.