We will continually strive to achieve the school’s aims through the formal curriculum and through all the other experiences offered to our children. High quality education will raise the children’s standards of attainment, enabling them to:
- develop their use of English and Maths which provide the foundation for all other learning
- learn social skills that encourage positive interactions between their peers as well as adults
- treat everyone in an equal manner, irrespective of gender, race, class or disability
- develop personal and moral values that are respectful of others, leading an appreciation and tolerance of other religions and other ways of life
- learn in a safe and secure environment.
Our key priorities for this year are as follows:

What are we doing about it?
We have additional training in place for teachers and support staff to further develop their expertise with teaching skills in writing using the Talk 4 Writing approach. We are also working with the Maths Hub on the Sustaining Mastery project develop skills in maths. We are using the Cornerstones Curriculum to ensure children have enough opportunities to apply their skills across the curriculum and to take greater ownership of their learning. We are also involved in a ENTHUSE Partnership to inspire young people in STEM (science, technology including computing, engineering and mathematics) subjects.
How you can help
Talk to your children about the written work they have been doing at school and support them with any homework we send home. Make sure your children are thinking about spelling, punctuation and handwriting when they are doing any writing at home and help them to understand how important these things are and no matter how old your children are please try to read with them as often as possible. This can include anything from comics, magazines, newspapers and books to shopping lists! Please also help your children to learn their spellings. We would also appreciate it if you could help your children learn their times tables and other key number facts.